She also found the bag of hair bows that were given to her. She never wears them, but today she had me put 3 in her hair. They lasted about 5 minutes.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
On the 12 th day of Christmas..
She also found the bag of hair bows that were given to her. She never wears them, but today she had me put 3 in her hair. They lasted about 5 minutes.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Some random Alex quotes
Several weeks ago Dan thought it might be nice to surprise me by taking Alex to see Santa while I was at work and have pictures taken. That night when I came home, Alex was really excited. I knew they had gone to the mall that day, but I wasn't sure why. She jumped out of Dan's lap and immediately ran up to me shouting " I not suppose to tell you we took pictures!" I laughed so hard I cried. One because Dan really thought a 3 year old could keep a secret and two because when Dan asked her did she tell Mama their secret she kept saying "No, I not suppose to tell her we took pictures"
The night before Dan left for Korea, we decided to go out to dinner. Steak is a rare and expensive thing over there, so Dan wanted a good steak. When I came home from work, Alex was excited to see me as usual. I picked her up and started asking her about her day. Dan then asked her if she was ready to go. She looked her Baba and in the same tone of voice I use to talk to her she said "I need to get my purse and my wawa (baby doll)".
Yesterday, Alex was apparently feeling rather contrary. At some point during the day, just minutes prior to her nap, she decided to fire our friend, Leslie, who watches her everyday.
She started by telling her "You're driving me crazy" She then proceeded to tell her "You can't be in my house anymore" and "I'm going to drive you home". At which point Leslie laugh and told her they would just discuss this with Mama. Alex immediately laid down and took a nap.
I think Dan and I may be in trouble as Alex gets older if she has this much attitude at 3 years old.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Long over due update
We put up the Christmas tree, the Monday after Thanksgiving. Alex really enjoyed helping hang the ornaments. I even showed her all the special ones we have acquired during the wait for her.
Since Dan will not be home for Christmas, we gave Alex our present to her early. Don't worry, Santa is still scheduled to visit Alex at Grandma's house on Christmas. As you can see, it is a cute little kitchen. Ever since then, she has been cooking her little heart out. I don't know how many pretend meals of bacon and eggs, grits and pasta we have eaten.
Finally, this is one of about 25 different pictures I tried to take today for our Christmas card. As you can see, I still haven't got a decent shot. Alex doesn't sit still for long, so half the pictures were blurs or the "odd" face after the actual smile.
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hopefully I'll have some decent pictures to post of Alex's first Christmas.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
We're Home!!!!!!!
Being in China with a 3 year old that doesn't speak English, eating unfamiliar food and sleeping on those rock hard beds
Being confined to a hospital room with a 3 year old who DOES speak English and can't get up to play, eating horrible cafeteria food, and sleeping on a chair/sofa with nurses coming in every 4 hours to check on your child
Returning home with said 3 year old who now thinks that life should be a 24 hour chocolate milk, Popsicle buffet, with Mom toting her everywhere even though she is suppose to be walking now.
I'll let you know when I decide.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Oak Mountain
Our first stop was the petting farm. For the first time ever, Alex touch an animal other than a cat or dog. This is the third t
After the farm, we went to the wildlife center. Alex was excited to see the squirrels and birds. She was relieved to know she didn't have to touch anything. As a special treat, one of the volunteers brought out an educational bird for us to meet.
He was a gorgeous young red tailed hawk.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
October Updates
Alex did have some fun this past week. To start with, my mom and sister, Rhonda, came up for a visit. Alex loves her Aunt Rhonda, so they had a ball and I got some much needed rest. We rented Cinderella and Alex watched it for the first time that Friday night. Over the next few days, we watched it 845 time...give or take. On Wednesday, Alex got to go trick or treating at the city hall. This was her first time and she loved it. Afterwards, Alex came by my clinic to trick or treat so everyone could see her in her costume. Alex also went trick or treating on Halloween.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
3 months... a review
Alex carving pumpkins this weekend with her Baba.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Baby's days out.....
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Random Updates *Update*
I returned to work full time on the 15th of this month, which means I'm working about 11 hours a day. When I get home at night, blogging is the last thing I want to do, hence the neglect.
Dan came home from Korea on the 18th, but then had to leave again for a week long class in Houston the next Sunday. We had our first appointment at the Spina Bifida Clinic at Children's Hospital on Sept 24th. It was a LONG day. On Oct 1st, Alex had a test to check her bladder function and look for kidney reflux. Unfortunately, we found out that her bladder doesn't empty until the pressure is dangerously high and this causes kidney reflux, so we are now having to cath her every 4 hours. Alex does great with it and other than having to lay still for a few minutes, it doesn't seem to bother her. We also FINALLY got an appointment for her MRI. It is scheduled for Oct 30th.
Last Sunday, we went to Children's to visit Abby . She has had 2 major surgeries in the past 10 days. What a precious girl!! Go to her blog for pictures and to leave a comment.
We have big plans this weekend. Tomorrow we are going to try to go to the zoo and Saturday are going to the Pumpkin Patch. I have also promised Alex she can try on her Halloween costume since she has been begging to wear it for weeks. only reason most of you check this blog.
Today when I came home from work Alex was all excited and wanted to show me something. It was a large box with a wrapped present in it. Someone sent us an adorable piggy bank. Alex LOVES it. We have no idea who sent it. So, if you read this blog and you sent the present..let me know. *Update* We found out the piggy bank was sent by Dan's company.
Tonight, when we left for dinner, Alex had to give the pig a kiss on the nose and tell it we would be right back. According to Alex... the piggy cried.
Alright that is enough for tonight. Check back later this weekend for pictures from our outings.