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Monday, January 26, 2009

The Year of the Ox

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!
I know, I've been a neglectful blogger. The good news is, I HAVEN'T been a neglectful mother, wife or business owner which is why I haven't been updating the blog.
We have big weekend coming up. We are having Alex's birthday party on the 31st and I'm sure there will be lots of pictures. We have been home for over 6 months now and things continue to get better. Alex sleeps through the night 95% of the time. She is still a bit of a Velcro child, but she will actually leave me to go play with other children now, which is a big step. We are planning on moving Alex out of our bedroom and into her room this week. Pray that it goes well. Alex seems really excited about it, but many times she changes her mind when the actual time comes.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a great week, and check back this weekend for a party recap.


Mike and Rhonda said...

Yes, Happy Chinese New Year.

GinnyDreamin' said...

Happy Birthday precious Alex!!!
Hope the party is lots of fun!
Take care!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Darcie!

We have some birthday gifts for Alex--not that she needs any more spoiling. I wish you could have seen the girls making the homemade birthday cards--they would be geniuses if they put that much work into school. We are still very excited to come meet Alex and were thinking about coming around Valentines but now the girl's long weekend off from school was cancelled due to the four days they missed last week because of the ice storm. We had no power from Wed am until Saturday night so we were staying with various family until Sunday. We are settling back into our routine so hopefully I will get the stuff for her birthday in the mail no later than this weekend. Maybe we can come visit during their Spring Break--the last week of March into the first week of April. Take care--we'll call soon. Leigh