Lilypie Date is set Ticker

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hi I'm Dennis

And I'm a kleptomaniac.

Dennis has a bad habit of stealing thing out of bags and purses. I have to tell anyone who comes over to watch their stuff.
Today, our friend came over with her little boy Cameron, because the heat had gone out at her house during the night.
While they were here, Dennis stole a puzzle piece from Cameron, and I had to chase him down for it. Then, he went into the diaper bag and stole a bottle of vitamins. Thankful, I caught him pretty quickly into that heist.
I think his problem is worse. In the past, his favorite thing to steal was paper i.e. receipts.

Don't let him fool you. He is devious. Anyone know of a kitty 12 step program?

1 comment:

MississippiZen said...

Look at that devious look ... thinking of his next scheme ... now if only cats could laugh that evil laugh .......