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Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Week

I realize I haven't posted since last Friday so let me bring everyone up to speed. Last Friday was my anniversary. It was wonderful for the most part. The part I left out was the visit to the doctor that morning. Let me give you a little back ground. For months now I've been tired. Not just a little tired, exhausted. It would take 4 cups of coffee to get through the day at work. I would fall asleep watching tv or reading. Dan had also been complaining that I snored at night no matter how I slept. Finally, when I determined that climbing a flight of stairs should NOT make me need a 15 minute rest I called the doctor. After checking me over he ran a ton of bloodwork and recommended a sleep study. So that was Friday.

Saturday we got up early and drove all the way to Chattanooga, Tn and traded Dan's Victory in for a Honda Goldwing. It is the bomb. It even has a cup holder for me and heated seats. As soon as we got back, we had to run to Cameron's first birthday party and then immediately after that, go out to dinner for our friend Chris's 40th birthday.

Sunday, I did almost nothing. Dan rode his new bike and then later that night we went to a friend's house for dinner.

Monday came way to quickly and I went to work. Almost immediately I had to do an emergency c-section on a large dog. By the time I was done I was exhausted and it was only 10am. However, after lunch I got a phone call from my doctor. Turns out....I'm hypothyroid. Go figure, I'm not just fat and lazy, I actually have a reason to feel the way I feel.

Tuesday, Dan left for Korea. I worked and then came home and went to bed. I started my thyroid supplement and prayed I would feel better soon

Wednesday, I went to talk to a sleep specialist. I'm scheduled for a sleep study next week. I'm not looking forward to the idea that I might have to wear a cpap, but if it will allow me to sleep better, I'll deal with it.

Today, we had the treat of severe weather so the decision was made to close the clinic early. No one was coming to see us anyway. So far, there has only been one tornado warning tonight. The good news is, I think the thyroid supplement is helping. I'm still tired, but I can do basic things without having to stop and rest in between. I guess it is a good thing this condition came to light before our adoption happened. I can't imagine feeling this way and running around after a baby/toddler.


MississippiZen said...

Wish I was there to keep you company now that Dan is gone. At least they were able to figure out what was wrong and treat it with medication ... you will need all the energy you can get when Alex gets here :)

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I hope you are feeling better... I know my trouble is not getting enough sleep - love the bike... can I go for a ride... that was a tough one about choosing for the award - $1,000,000 at stake... I can choose you for the 6th... lol... gee, I think I need to get my Shauna sooner or I will be getting excited about getting blog awards... lol