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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm a bad blogger!!!

I promised not to go so long between post last time and now it has been over a week. So...what have we been up to? My mother came up for a visit last Sunday. She rode the train up so that she could ride down to the coast with us for Labor day weekend. It rained most of last week, so we were stuck in the house with a restless 3 year old. Wednesday, the rain finally stopped so we went to story time at the local library and then ate lunch in the park.

Thursday, we headed down to the coast for the weekend. We had hoped to stay until Monday morning. Alas....the weather had other ideas. Thursday night, we had a surprise dinner for my sister's birthday. As you can see..Alex loves her Aunt Rhonda.

Friday we went to visit Margie before they left for China. Then, Alex got a haircut. Well....really just a trim. Her hair is so thin and fine that there isn't much to cut, but her bangs were always in her eyes so we got a trim.
That afternoon, Alex met her cousin Yasmin. They played well together for a while. There was one sand throwing incident, but the hurt feelings didn't last. We also went swimming, but I refuse to post pictures of that since I am in a bathing suit.

That evening, Alex wasn't feeling well and I got to experience the horror of a child vomiting in a restaurant at the table. Thankfully we had ordered but our food hadn't arrived. We got the food to go and left. The next day Alex was fine, and I still have no idea why she was sick.

Saturday we decided to high tail it back North since the lower half of Louisiana was about to empty out. Sunday my sister, her daughter and daughter in law came up her to wait out the hurricane. The trip that normally takes 5 hours took them 9 due to the traffic.

Monday we went to the mall, but I forgot my camera...(bad mommy) so I don't have pictures of Alex riding the carousel. Today, Alex had her eye exam. Everything is normal there...thank goodness.

Tomorrow is another round of doctor visits.


GinnyDreamin' said...

Alex is super cute!! Love the pictures and the bloggy update!!
Take care!

Liene said...

Don't feel bad about not blogging. I'm on hiatus and feel bad that I'm doing a horrible job keeping up with everyone.

Gustav dumped over 8 inches of rain here. We didn't have flooding where we live, but I've seen plenty of it driving.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm so sorry I haven't checked your blog until now. Congratulations!!! She is beautiful! I'm so glad that everyone is adjusting well. For some reason I had thought that Margie would be getting Reagan before you went to China. So I was surprised to see that you have her home already.