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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Greetings from the House of Plague

Dan arrived home from Korea on Wednesday night. He got off the plane with a cold/sinus infection that he aquired somewhere over the Pacific. Unfortunately, he did not arrive home to a wife ready to nurse him back to health, because at the exact same time, I came down with the FLU. We have spent the past 3 days going to doctors, taking medicine and hiding in the house. Even with medicine, I continue to run a fever and Dan continues to sound like a dripping faucet. My hope is that we will be over this by Monday, because we need to get our fingerprints updated at the sherriff department for our home study.


GinnyDreamin' said...

Get well SOON!!!!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Hope you are feeling better soon... I am sure it is all 'sympathy illnesses'... take care

Lady R (Di) said...

Sorry to hear your under the weather. I think this is the busiest flu season in a while we've experienced here in Montgomery. A local school here had an outbreak that left almost 40% home sick. Yuk! "GET WELL SOON" Lady R :(