My brother, Darren and his wife Leslie sent us these adorable shirts.
This one is for Alex. It has a panda on it.
This one is for Dan.
This one if for me.
I can't wait to wear it and be called Mama.
I started my vaccine series today. So far I feel fine. I don't usually do well with vaccines, so I'm a bit surprised.
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!! It just dawned on me... I sponsor a little girl through HTS... she is at the same orphanage as your bundle of joy... this little girl is my 'proxy' daughter... hehehe... wow... this is exciting... take care
LOVE the shirts!!!!! I can't wait to see you WEARING THEM and holding Alex!!!!!!!!!!
C'mon LOA! Darcie & Dan NEED to go to China!!!!!!!!
Those are awesome!!! I want a few!
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