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Friday, May 16, 2008

My non existant dignity

I try very hard every day to carry myself with some professionalism and dignity, or at least I try to at work. Alas, most often I fail miserably.
Tonight I ordered takeout because I felt like crap and didn't feel like cooking. After I got home and fed the zoo, I changed into some comfy clothes, which as usual consist of Sponge Bob pj bottoms and a t-shirt. I wasn't really worried about the delivery person coming to the door, I mean who cares, I don't know them.
Except this time, they knew me.
As the young man hands me my order he says "I know you, your that vet." D'oh!!!!!!
So, in one fell swoop, any professionalism and dignity I had by being the doctor went out the window. Then I had to search my NyQuil impaired brain for who this person is and who their animal was. I gotta be all dressed up to get pizza.

1 comment:

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Just think of it as letting people know that you are 'human' after all... take care